Spectacular seminars by sensational scholars! Kudos to scar free skin specialist Gecko Gabby and courageous cardiac counter Microscopy Minh-Hanh on their undergrad presentations.


Eublephosphere STEM superstar is featured on the website SEE IT - BE IT - STEM. Kudos Kathy!

Extraordinary Eublephosphere scientists Laura and Yi Fan featured on the University of Guelph Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies webpage. Insight, advice, and colour coordination.

Posted on May 9, 2019 .

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Chloe and Manali own the podium!

Exceptional research presentations by our exceptional undergrad project students

Research in the news

Awesome review of recent research by Kathy and Rebecca

Posted on January 23, 2019 .

Stef - the newest Master of Science!

A huge congratulations to Stef and her successful MSc defence!

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Stef B., MSc

We know geckos are sensitive,

But Stef has provided,

Evidence that explains,

How they survive being lopsided

Posted on January 6, 2019 .